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Aplikasi Perjalanan

Rencanakan perjalanan wisata dengan mudah dan cepat.

Dapatkan rekomendasi wisata yang personal dan relevan.

Nikmati pengalaman kota pintar yang berkelanjutan.

Rekomendasi Cerdas
Kota Pintar

Tentang Kami - Solusi Teknologi Inovatif

Kami mengembangkan solusi inovatif untuk pariwisata dan kota pintar.

A modern exhibition space features a large cylindrical digital display showing a cityscape with skyscrapers. Surrounding this are several booths with people interacting, some looking at screens and technology displays. The space is well-lit with a sleek, contemporary design using blue and white colors.
A modern exhibition space features a large cylindrical digital display showing a cityscape with skyscrapers. Surrounding this are several booths with people interacting, some looking at screens and technology displays. The space is well-lit with a sleek, contemporary design using blue and white colors.

Misi kami

Kami mengembangkan aplikasi untuk memudahkan perencanaan perjalanan wisata di Indonesia.

An aerial view of an urban environment featuring modern architecture with a blend of nature. There are prominent buildings with innovative designs, including one with a curved facade and a rooftop garden. Surrounding the structures are well-maintained roads and more rectangular buildings, some with solar panels. Lush greenery is visible in the distance, contributing to a balanced urban landscape.
An aerial view of an urban environment featuring modern architecture with a blend of nature. There are prominent buildings with innovative designs, including one with a curved facade and a rooftop garden. Surrounding the structures are well-maintained roads and more rectangular buildings, some with solar panels. Lush greenery is visible in the distance, contributing to a balanced urban landscape.
Aplikasi Perjalanan Wisata

Menyediakan informasi terbaru mengenai destinasi wisata, termasuk jam operasional dan penawaran spesial, untuk meningkatkan pengalaman wisatawan.

Mendukung Bisnis Lokal

Mengumpulkan dan menganalisis data perilaku wisatawan untuk membantu pemerintah dan pemilik bisnis memahami tren pariwisata serta meningkatkan layanan mereka.

Mengembangkan Solusi Teknologi Inovatif

Menerapkan teknologi yang dapat meningkatkan kualitas hidup di lingkungan perkotaan dengan fokus pada pariwisata.

Menyediakan Data Analitik untuk Pengambilan Keputusan

Memberikan platform bagi pemilik bisnis lokal untuk mempromosikan produk dan layanan mereka kepada wisatawan, serta menerima umpan balik untuk perbaikan.

gray concrete building during daytime

Absolutely thrilled with my purchase! Outstanding product, exceptional service, and overall an excellent buying experience.

Clarice Turner

woman wearing black crew-neck shirt
woman wearing black crew-neck shirt

Absolutely thrilled with my purchase! Outstanding product, exceptional service, and overall an excellent buying experience.

Brian Moten

man standing near balcony
man standing near balcony